Thursday, February 05, 2015

Watch out world, Daddy's gonna remodel you!

Finally, the FDA is reducing it's lifetime ban on gay male blood donors to a less biased one year. Lets' all hope, er, pray that bigots will be fearful of catching "gay cooties" and thus lead healthier, safer lives to avoid blood transfusions, thus leaving more for those with higher IQ's. If I seem overly enthusiastic, it's because I spent 5 years justifying this policy to plasma donors and felt sleazy every time. So, cheers to the retroactive relief of my shame and let's give a hand to welcome the FDA to the 1990's!
Now, add serious gun control, immigration reform that doesn't punish hardworking people, nationwide gay marriage, and an increase in alternative energy research & mental health funding matching the average percent the bank CEO's took out of their bailout-- and then I'd say the U.S.A is almost worthy of my children's company. I suppose that means I have alot of work to do in the next 16 years. For now, I have one in a diaper and one on his 3rd day of potty training success and no time to finish our half-completed kitchen remodel... in other words, the world and my junky guest bathroom better watch out when these kids start 3 year old preschool next fall!

FDA article link:
I apologize for the generic article, it was the most recent:

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