Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Happiness in a Leaf Blower

When you're a new Dad, whether stay-at-home or working, there are certain activities that you don't do as often (no, I was not referring to that).  One of the saddest losses for me has been my use of power tools, which decreased sharply, NOT for lack of jobs that need done desperately, but because their use may:
A. Wake sleeping babies even if you work on the other side of the house, outdoors, underground
B. Deafen conscious babies if you try blaring Barney on surround sound to mask use of power tools nearby
C. Blind the babies if you try to wear them in a Baby Bjorn and use a reciprocating saw
D. Cause damage to growing bones and joints if you allow them to "help Daddy" use a framing nailer

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Parents Birthdays Lacking Post-Baby?

My wife asked me the day after her birthday, "Did you forget it was my birthday yesterday?" In reality, I was painfully aware of it for weeks. I felt trapped when gift shopping crossed my mind.  The idea of taking twins to the mall isn't frightening by itself but to go shopping for an amazing birthday gift for the woman that outdoes her self every holiday for me WITH TWINS was overwhelming.  Meijer seemed to offer nothing worthy of her, thus looking for a personal gift post-grocery shopping with tired babies proved fruitless.  Shopping online only works if I'm ordering more of something that I already have such as toiletries and cleaning products, appliance replacement parts, or any baby stuff with a recognizable brand name.  Otherwise, it's a crap shoot of Chinese postage labels, bad stitching, and strange, "not exactly urine", smells.